I had this song up previously and I was contacted by Chris Mercer, one of the Bluesbreakers who played sax on this track. He offered a couple of photos of himself (I hadnt been able to find much in the way of images of him and indeed this version of the Bluesbreakers). So I have redone the video to include his two photos. The two photos of Chris are at 3.13 and 3.17 (although I cropped both significantly). According to Chris, the first is from summer 67 just after I graduated from Oxford and joined the band, taken at Klooks Kleek, which was in West Hampstead right next door to Decca studios, where the albums were recorded. The second one was a year or so later, looks like it was taken in Decca or Abbey Rd studios from the background, my hair was much longer by then. I have summarised some of Chris observations as follows: "Working in that band at that time, when it went from cult to international status was very exciting. We were on the road 5 to 6 nights a week and travelled widely in Europe, as well as the groundbreaking tour of the USA. That particular era before the end of the 60s was an incredible time. Much of the business was run at grass roots level by the musicians themselves, before the lawyers, bankers, accountants and managerial chancers turned it into an industry ". Chris also went on to say that Mayall was a hard task master, changing personnel every few years. After the Bluesbreakers Chris (and his wife) went to the US where he found a new career in <b>…<b>
Tag Archives: Keef
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The Keith Richards song, dedicated to the immortal rolling stones legend, Keef!
Keith Richards Rolling Stones Snorted Father (Orig.)
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