
Six Women, Two Lives, One Profession. Set in and around 232, an up-market city brothel, Satisfaction reveals the world of five high class escorts and their manager as they juggle the pressures of their private lives with their secret profession. The complex drama is an exploration of the relationships between these women: the bonds of friendship, the competition, the loyalty, the ruthlessness, the camaraderie. The stories are grounded and real – shocking, touching, funny, disturbing, intelligent and sexy. They are love stories with a twist – about strong women keeping themselves together when theyre giving so much of themselves away. The show has already been critically acclaimed in its native Australia with Alison Whyte (who plays Lauren) being presented with the Most Outstanding Actress Award at this years Logies. Diana Glenn (who plays Chloe) was also nominated in this category. Satisfaction was included in the Most Outstanding Drama and Favourite Drama categories at the prestigious ASTRA awards (Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association) Watch out for Satisfaction — coming soon to the UK!

SNL Reviewed: Mick Jagger & Good-Bye Kristen Wiig

Mick Jagger did a fantastic job hosting the last show of SNLs 37th Season, and well as SNL star Kristen Wiigs last show. http LINKS: Kristen Wiigs Farewll: Lawrence Welk: Karaoke Californians

Mick Jagger in Saturday Night Live 724 (Se 37 Ep 22) – The Last Time with Arcade Fire

synopsis: Live from New York, its… Jon Hamm, Fred Armisen, and Kristen Wiig! Sketches include "The Lawrence Welk Show," "Secret Word," "Holiday Inn Karaoke," "Lazy Sunday 2" (Digital Short), "Politics Nation," "So You Think You Can Dance at an Outdoor Music Concert," "The Californians," and "Kristens Graduation." Mick Jagger performed "The Last Time" with Arcade Fire, "19th Nervous Breakdown" with Foo Fighters, and "Presidential Blues" with Jeff Beck. saturday night live SNL new 724 Mick Jagger s37 e22 e22 37 22 se37 ep22 ep22 se ep 3722 37.22 37.22 37×22 37×22 Barack Obama celebrity guests comedy central hilarious from york talk show guest star nbc city original parody season sketch tina fey variety shows tv television funny premiere cool laugh Fred rmisen Will Forte Bill Hader Darrell Hamond Seth Meyers Andy Samberg Jason Sudeikis Kenan Thompson Kristen Wiig Abby Elliott Bobby Moynihan Michaela Watkins Casey Wilson

Keith Richards on Drug Use and the Rolling Stones

Complete video at: Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards discusses his personal history with heroin and other hard drugs. "Getting in is easy, getting out is difficult," says Richards. "It took me a while." —– Outlaw, hellraiser, and one of rock musics most gifted and influential guitarists, Keith Richards has forged a life that most of us can only imagine–and often envy. Amazingly hes lived to tell about it, and now this rock Icon has given us the definitive rock autobiography. In Life, the man himself tells about life lived fast and hard in the creative hurricane–from his days as a young boy growing up in a council estate, listening obsessively to Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters records, to joining forces with Mick Jagger and Brian Jones to form The Rolling Stones. In conversation with Anthony DeCurtis, a music journalist, and contributing editor for Rolling Stone, Keith Richards will discuss the storied journey of the Rolling Stones, as well as his passion for books and for history. He will chronicle how he created the revolutionary, high-octane riffs that defined "Jumping Jack Flash," "Gimme Shelter" and "Honky Tonk Woman," his affair with the equally infamous Anita Pallenberg (the mother of three of his children), and the tragic death of Brian Jones. He will also discuss the personal values that have made him a proud, successful father, and a happily married man for more than twenty-five years. From falling in love with his wife Patti Hansen to his <b>…<b>

ZAP TV : le peintre performer ZAPATA rencontre Charlie WATTS

Reportage de la chaine YVELINES PREMIERES lors de LESTIVAL 2011. Le peintre performer Rénald ZAPATA en coulisse et sur scène, pour louverture du concert de Charlie WATTS, le batteur mythique des ROLLING STONES.