EU Crisis Breakthrough Breakdown : Nigel Farage : The 19th Nervous Breakdown

• Speaker: Nigel Farage MEP, Leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy (EFD) Group in the European Parliament – • Debate Conclusions of the European Council meeting (28-29 June 2012) European Council and Commission statements [20112923(RSP)] Transcript: "Well, that is the 19th crisis summit that Mr Cameron has been to. As The Rolling Stones might say "The 19th Nervous Breakdown." And thats reflected I think by the funereal mood in the chamber this morning. Yes on that Friday morning, "breakthrough" was cried, and indeed Mr Van Rompuy parroted the word this morning, "breakthrough". Nobody believes you, the wheels are coming off. This new European Stability Mechanism, your new bailout vehicle is doomed before it starts. We have legal challenges in Ireland and in Germany. We have the Estonian Justice Minister saying it wont fit their Constitution. But most fun of all, the Finns and the Dutch seem to have broken the agreement that was made in the middle of the night. Perhaps they were excluded from this, perhaps the little countries dont have a say in Europe at all anymore. Its not credible, and I think the euro crisis now looks to me to be, frankly, insoluble. And theres also a massive crisis of leadership – it is lovely to see you Mr Van Rompuy, youve not been here for many months. Its delightful to have you back. The last time you were here, you told us we had turned the corner, that the <b>…<b>

It’s over for the banking cabal. 4.jul.2012

Watch this video to understand the largest banking corruption scandal in history. These large banks have stolen money from every single human on the planet. Not one person was left out. Not even YOU! Now that it is exposed there is no going back. We will ALL support the "NO MORE BAILOUT" mantra… This one will not go away. It was not planned to go away like other "banking scandals". This one will build and build and build until it is known by every man, woman and child on the planet. This is the exposure that will END the bad guys reign. Ive said it over and over: Timing, timing, timing. The evil vampire banksters have been stabbed in the heart with various stakes in the past few months but this one is by far the largest. (note: the last one will be made of SILVER so be ready for it!) Know this: All is going as planned for the Good Guys. May the Road you choose be the Right Road. Bix Weir —————————————————————————————————— VIDEO:"Viewpoint" host Eliot Spitzer, Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone contributing editor, and Dennis Kelleher, president and CEO of Better Markets, analyze the Libor interest rate–rigging scandal engulfing the banking industry. Barclays CEO Bob Diamond recently resigned after the bank was fined $453 million for its part in the scandal, which involved manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor), a key global benchmark for interest rates <b>…<b>