you are my hiding place

the song you are my hiding place set to jesus of nazareth the song told from the blind beggars point of view shows how jesus is are hiding place that in him all thing are possible when we HAVE FAITH

mary did you know

song mary did you know set to the movies the passion of the christ jesus of nazereth gospel of john and jesus some time we foget who jesus is do you know him

Jimmy Miller – Inker Ame Devla

kangery paris pastor johnny GLORIA LE DEVLESKI MASHKAR AMENDEsteve miller jimmy paul la church in his presence ministries pastorpipo rafaelmexico mahanaim satelite lamptaka kzangery pitasatelite tatiago19rafaelandamexico davidandaparis khangery kangeri julupe stevo latzy demeter zotoff maximoff kwiek kwik samkwiek david24germany rebecoco gypsy lobpreis ricardokwiek ricardo alexandaparis mahanaimsatelite kolia miller darlamillersi718 austinmiller718 davidandaparis gypsy rebecoco