Charlie is my darling – Mick Jagger 1966

Charlie is my darling – Mick Jagger 1966. Walter Weimer·61 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 92. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like <b>…<b> Watch Later Mick Jaggers does his best Percy Edwards, Animal Impersonator (Charle is my Darling – Ireland 1965)by abkco 5,017 views &middot; 3:11. Watch Later Olympic Sound Studios – NovemberDecember 1966by Brian Jones 153 views &middot; 13:21. Watch Later New NYX Reviews: Wonder Pencil, Butter Gloss & Moreby emilynoel83 96,717 views &middot; 16:17. Watch Later <b>…<b>

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!

Best chocolate chip cookie recipe! Here is what you need: 2+12 Cup Flower 1 tsp Baking Soda 12 tps Salt 1 Cup (2 Sticks) Butter, Softened 34 Cup Sugar 34 Cup Brown Sugar, Packed 2 tsp Vanilla 2 Eggs 2 Cups Chocolate Chips Now mix your flour, baking powder and salt together and set aside. In a separate bowl mixbeat your butter, sugar, & brown sugar. Once mixed well, add vanilla and eggs, mix well again. Now slowly add in the other bowl of flour, baking powder, and salt. Once fully mixed, add in chocolate chips. Spoon onto baking sheet, and cook for 10minutes at 375F Take out and let cool on a rack. Yumm!

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!

Best chocolate chip cookie recipe! Here is what you need: 2+12 Cup Flower 1 tsp Baking Soda 12 tps Salt 1 Cup (2 Sticks) Butter, Softened 34 Cup Sugar 34 Cup Brown Sugar, Packed 2 tsp Vanilla 2 Eggs 2 Cups Chocolate Chips Now mix your flour, baking powder and salt together and set aside. In a separate bowl mixbeat your butter, sugar, & brown sugar. Once mixed well, add vanilla and eggs, mix well again. Now slowly add in the other bowl of flour, baking powder, and salt. Once fully mixed, add in chocolate chips. Spoon onto baking sheet, and cook for 10minutes at 375F Take out and let cool on a rack. Yumm!