Surprising Music Collaborations

Lady Gaga has teamed up with Cher on her new album! Here are a few other strange musical hook-ups: Weezer, Lil Wayne,, Mick Jagger, Snoop Dogg, Buzz Aldrin, Metallica, Lou Reed. Keep up-to-date with the celebrity world: Like us on Facebook: Or Follow us on Twitter:

The Hardest Ever – ft. Mick Jagger & Jennifer Lopez Music Video

hi guys! so for those of you who didnt know, i am going to sleep away camp for 7 weeks today, and there will no be no videos up then, because of no internet connection. If you have any comments or questions that you want me to know, COMMENT NOW. So this will be my last video for the summer basically. DO NOT THINK IM LEAVINGQUITTING ETC. I WILL BE BACK. WHEN IM GONE, ASHLEY CAN ANSWER ALSO ANY QUESTIONS. ENJOY YOUR SUMMER 🙂 ~Zach