Announcer Suspended for Calling Loss A ‘Choke Job’

Paul Ralston, play-by-play announcer for the University of North Dakotas mens basketball team, seems like a die-hard fan. After the teams loss to Northern Arizona, Ralston told head coach Brian Jones in an interview that he thought the loss was a, "choke job." Jones and the school administration were unpleased with the off-color comment and suspended Ralston for at least the next two games. Patrick Jones has the story. For more sports news check out sports buzz at Buzz60 is designed for the way we live now. Short, quirky video snacks that are a little sassy, and always smart. Buzz 60 — and the Buzz60 channel on YouTube – produces all kinds of newsy video clips for web viewers who want more than just repurposed content. Our team is a diverse group of video journalists with dozens of Emmy awards, an authentic sense of humor, and a mandate to connect with viewers every day. Subscribe to our channel: Like us Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Pin with us on Pinterest: