Two aimless middle-aged losers still living at home are forced against their will to become roommates when their parents get married. Genre: Comedy Directed by, Adam McKay Produced by, Jimmy Miller Judd Apatow Adam McKay Will Ferrell Screenplay by, Adam McKay Will Ferrell Story by, Adam McKay Will Ferrell John C. Reilly Starring, Will Ferrell John C. Reilly Music by, Jon Brion Cinematography, Oliver Wood Editing by, Brent White Studio, Relativity Media The Apatow Company Mosaic Media Group Gary Sanchez Productions Distributed by, Columbia Pictures Release date(s), July 25, 2008 Running time, 98 minutes 106 minutes (unrated version) Country, United States Language, English Spanish Budget, $65 million Box office, $100468793 (domestic) $27638849 (foreign) $128107642 (total)