29 mars 2003 En présence de Vincent PEREZ, Gérard DARMON, Judith GODRECHE, Macha MERIL et Clara MORGANE, Bill WYMAN répond à linterview "fromage ou dessert" de Thierry ARDISSON…Les propos de Bill WYMAN sont traduits de langlais au français par une voix off.
Tag Archives: humour
JoJolooksat – Day Z : Episode 2 "Player hunt and Mick Jagger"
While hunting another player I get caught up in quite a kerfuffle, which ends up in my sad demise… Sit back and enjoy the rediculous antics of Renholm of JoJolooksat! Comment – Rate – Subscribe Music : www.youtube.com
Mr Bean the Animated Series – Art Thief
Mr. Bean mistakes someone for an art thief. Welcome to the Official Mr Bean channel. The first episode of the original Mr Bean series starring Rowan Atkinson was first broadcast on 1st January 1990. Since then Mr Bean has become known all over the world. Created by Rowan Atkinson, Richard Curtis and Robin Driscoll, there were only 14 episode of the live action series ever made. To find out more about Mr Bean visit: www.mrbean.co.uk Mr Bean on Facebook http Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com Standard Tags: "mr bean" mr. mister "rowan atkinson" funny video comedy british actor humour classic top best bena baen holiday videos divertidos vidéos drôles johnny english