Rolling Stones Tumbling Dice 73 Posted on March 16, 2013 by Tumbling Dice from 1973 Brussels, I have mixed different sources together to create a slightly different sounding version. Related posts: The Rolling Stones – Tumbling Dice (Live) – OFFICIAL The Rolling Stones performing "Tumbling Dice", live at the Will... UNDER MY THUMB – Tumbling Dice Rolling Stones Tribute Band (Time Lapse – Garage Band) Under My Thumb played by Tumbling Dice. Time Lapse. Tumbling... Rolling Stones ‘Tumbling Dice’ Staples Center 5-3-13 Los Angeles Rolling Stones singing Tumbling Dice 5-3-13 Staples Center, Los Angeles,... The Rolling Stones – Tumbling Dice – Guitar Cover My cover of Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones. Squier... Rolling Stones Newark Dec 15 2012 Tumbling Dice with Bruce Springsteen Rolling Stones Newark Dec 15 2012 Tumbling Dice with Bruce...