Charlie Watts-Paris-NewMorning-leaving.MOV Posted on May 24, 2012 by Charlie Watts leaving the New Morning Club in Paris quietly to the van after the ABC&D gig on October 2, 2011 Related posts: Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts outside hotel in Paris Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts outside hotel Le Bristol in... Charlie Watts,jazz The ABC&D of BOOGIE WOOGIE New Morning Paris FRANCE Second... Charlie Watts – Duc Lombards – Paris 7 septembre 2010 Charlie Watts, LE batteur des Stones en concert à Paris... Rock legend Charlie Watts enjoying a little walk in Paris 0000 paparazzi Rock legend Charlie Watts enjoying a little walk in Paris... 50 CHARLIE WATTS live HELLBAR ‘In The Morning’ 50 CHARLIE WATTS In The Morning live HELLBAR OLearys part...