Gerard Butler ROCKS OUT Manhattan Club … with Help from Oasis [VIDEO]
Butler stopped by The Darby supper club in Manhattan last Thursday — the actor didn't drink a drop … but he did take the stage and perform several songs, including one by The Doors and another by The Rolling Stones. But the best by far .
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Charlie Watts Announces New York Jazz Club … – Rolling Stone
Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts is set to play four nights at the Iridium in New York City. Watts will perform eight sets with his band at the ja. All News
I have a vintage Rolling stones magazine from 1983 with Michael Jackson on the cover and I want opinions on how much it should be worth before I post it on Ebay.
I saw a movie last night on MTV and I swear Gerard Butler and Melora Walters from Butterfly Effect were in it. It was a zombie movie and they were locked in a mall. Anyone heard of this movie? I cant find any evidence of it on the internet, even on IMDB!