SasuSakuNaru || Two guys, no satisfaction.

FB PAGE: BACKUP ACC: WARNING: Low Sasukes and ||@rutos bed skills above. ;p Hello there, everyone! 🙂 Here is a new video of mine…this is one of the random ones, yet it doesnt mean that I didnt put effort into it. ;p I promised to my RL best friend to make something out of this music so this is for her. She totally loves this song. She is not interested in this show, yet in my editing yes and I wanted to do something to make her laugh. She is just amazing and I cant live without her. She is the soulmate everyone should have or their life is empty. She knows more things about me than anyone else in this world (well..maybe there are 2 exceptions [shot]). Doufám, že se ti to líbilo, protože nic lepšího nedovedu. xD Musíš mi ukázat víc písniček jako je tahle v budoucnu. ;p Jelikož seš moc líná na to, aby sis to předchozí přeložila, protože je to moc problematický, tak ti jenom chci říct, že pro mě hodně znamenáš, ale to už víš. 🙂 ALEJO! XD ILY! ♥ Anyway the editing is not something outstanding here, but I am sure you dont mind, because the meaning is important this time! xD This is not anti-narusakusasusaku though! People are just having relationship problems like that and lets face the possibility of Sasuke being a total loser in this area! [runs away] All music info is in credits, look there. ;p Programs used for this masterpiece: Sony Vegas 9.0 pro + I was whoring Adobe Photoshop a lot too 🙂 ENJOY!