GainSaver 100{afaa16ff8fc15ae1f3a93f63bb0e25306e8730d54626544684f78bc2bc5f898c} Satisfaction Guarantee

At GainSaver weve got you covered! At, our 100{afaa16ff8fc15ae1f3a93f63bb0e25306e8730d54626544684f78bc2bc5f898c} 30 Day Money Back Guarantee means youre covered. If you dont like the computer system you order from GainSaver, you can return it for any reason. You cant lose. Our "no questions asked" protection covers everything. So if you dont like it, you dont need to keep it. You have 30 days to make up your mind. Send it back to GainSaver and we will Replace your computer with the same or equivalent model Or you can upgrade to a different computer or system configuration Or we will refund your money Need more coverage? Consider the GainSaver Extended Warranty With GainSavers Extended Warranty programs, you can extend the protection provided by our 30 Day Guarantee for up to three years. If you have any trouble with your computer during the warranty period, send it back for a free replacement. An Extended Warranty is the best investment you can make to ensure that you get full use of your computer. Extended Warranties are available for periods of 90 Days One Year Two Years Three Years 90 Day Extended Warranties start at just $25 depending on the system. If you have any questions call us at 800-844-4051.